What we know about the measurement:

Meyer Sound Ultra X40 is an active liveportable that cost around 5950 USD each.

  • Quality of the measurement data is medium.
  • Origin of the data is Meyer Sound.
  • Format of the data is a GLL file .
  • -3dB (resp. -6db) point v.s. reference is at 65.0Hz (resp. 61.5Hz).
  • Reference level is normalised to -0.1dB computed over the frequency range [300.0Hz, 5000.0Hz].
  • Frequency deviation is 3.8dB over the same frequency range.
  • Directivity
    • Horizontal directivity is (-50.0°, 50.0°) between 1kHz and 10kHz. Angle computed for +/-6dB.
    • Vertical directivity is (-30.0°, 30.0°) between 1kHz and 10kHz. Angle computed for +/-6dB.
  • Tonality (Preference) Score
    • Tonality (Preference) Score is 2.68 and would be 5.39 with a perfect subwoofer.
      • Details: NBD: ON 0.647, LW 0.661, SP 0.72, PIR 0.656; SM: SP0.695, PIR0.551; LFQ 1.618, LFX 61Hz
    • Tonality (Preference) Score is 4.15 with an EQ and would be 6.68 with a perfect subwoofer and the same EQ.
      • Details: NBD: ON 0.584, LW 0.543, SP 0.6, PIR 0.527; SM: SP0.897, PIR0.874; LFQ 1.618, LFX 56Hz
  • Note: Data provided by Meyer is high quality above 50Hz-100Hz. Data comes from a GLL file provided by Meyer: configuration is measured at 10m, resolution is 2.5 degrees, signal is aes broadband 20Hz-20kHz, air attenuation is disabled. Meyer Sound EASE files are calibrated differently than other loudspeaker manufacturers to show AVG SPL and will be comparable to MAPP AVG SPL. Linear Peak SPL will be 12.5dB SPL above the AVG SPL shown in EASE. Therefore, if you read 90dB in EASE, Linear Peak SPL will be 102.5dB with peaks a few dB above that. Each product will achieve a few more dB when using standard playback material (music or speech rather than pink noise) than what is shown. Since EASE does not predict below 100Hz, we do not have EASE files for subwoofer or LFC products. We recommend using MAPP 3D for accurate low-frequency predictions. For more information, see Headroom Predictions Using B-Noise in MAPP XT..
  • Vendor specifications:
    • Dispersion: 110° horizontal and 50° vertical.
    • SPL
      • peak: 138 dB
      • m_noise: 132.5 dB
      • pink_noise: 130 dB
      • b_noise: 131 dB
    • Size
      • Width 318mm
      • Height 567mm
      • Depth 391mm
    • Weight 23.6kg
Meyer Sound Ultra X40
AutomaticEQ (IIR)
Set preamp gain to: -3.0dB.
Type Freq Q Gain
PK 58.0 2.61 2.99
PK 504.0 2.98 1.76
PK 2324.0 2.94 1.91
PK 2670.0 3.0 -2.71
PK 4818.0 3.0 -2.67
PK 7834.0 2.76 -3.07
PK 10341.0 2.99 -3.83

These EQ optimise the Harman score and is a good start for far field listening like in your living room.

Meyer Sound Ultra X40 filters_auto_eq


Meyer Sound Ultra X40 filters_eq_full

Target v.s. EQ

Meyer Sound Ultra X40
Graphic EQ 15 bands
Set preamp gain to: -1.0dB.
Type Freq Q Gain
PK 25.0 2.14 0.75
PK 40.0 2.14 0.75
PK 63.0 2.14 0.75
PK 100.0 2.14 0.0
PK 160.0 2.14 0.0
PK 250.0 2.14 0.25
PK 400.0 2.14 0.0
PK 630.0 2.14 0.75
PK 1000.0 2.14 0.25
PK 1600.0 2.14 0.5
PK 2500.0 2.14 0.25
PK 4000.0 2.14 0.25
PK 6300.0 2.14 0.0
PK 10000.0 2.14 -0.25
PK 16000.0 2.14 0.25

These EQ is designed for a 15 bands graphical EQ.

Meyer Sound Ultra X40
Graphic EQ 31 bands
Set preamp gain to: -1.1dB.
Type Freq Q Gain
PK 20.0 4.32 0.0
PK 25.0 4.32 0.75
PK 31.0 4.32 0.75
PK 40.0 4.32 0.75
PK 50.0 4.32 0.75
PK 63.0 4.32 0.75
PK 80.0 4.32 0.25
PK 100.0 4.32 0.0
PK 125.0 4.32 0.0
PK 160.0 4.32 0.0
PK 200.0 4.32 -0.25
PK 250.0 4.32 0.25
PK 315.0 4.32 0.0
PK 400.0 4.32 0.0
PK 500.0 4.32 0.5
PK 630.0 4.32 0.5
PK 800.0 4.32 0.25
PK 1000.0 4.32 0.25
PK 1250.0 4.32 0.25
PK 1600.0 4.32 0.5
PK 2000.0 4.32 0.25
PK 2500.0 4.32 0.0
PK 3150.0 4.32 0.5
PK 4000.0 4.32 0.25
PK 5000.0 4.32 -0.25
PK 6300.0 4.32 0.0
PK 8000.0 4.32 -0.5
PK 10000.0 4.32 -0.5
PK 12000.0 4.32 0.0
PK 16000.0 4.32 0.0
PK 20000.0 4.32 0.0

These EQ is designed for a 31 bands graphical EQ.

Meyer Sound Ultra X40: comparison between EQs
Meyer Sound Ultra X40

Comparison betweens various EQs

Meyer Sound Ultra X40

Improvements made by EQ

Frequency Frequency with EQ
Frequency Frequency with EQ
Frequency Frequency with EQ
Frequency Frequency with EQ
Frequency Frequency with EQ
Frequency Frequency with EQ
Frequency Frequency with EQ
Frequency Frequency with EQ
Frequency Frequency with EQ
Frequency Frequency with EQ
Frequency Frequency with EQ